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Chrysotile white asbestos is the most common type used throughout the world. Having a hardness similar to a human fingernail. It is also known to crumble very easily into fibrous strands composed of smaller bundles of fibrils.
This mineral has a fibrous form (fibre-like texture) and is also known as White Asbestos. Due to the natural colouration of the fibres. Asbestos is the name given to the collection of minerals grown in a fibrous manner.
Other properties include:
Asbestos is a highly durable mineral commonly used in the production of textiles, roofing products, insulation materials, cement, and brake pads. Asbestos awareness over the years has caused manufacturers to ensure Chrysotile white asbestos (as well as other types) does not make it into their products.
Asbestos exposure can lead to serious health conditions like asbestosis, pleural disease, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Even though fewer cases have been reported linking mesothelioma to white asbestos compared to amphiboles like amosite and crocidolite, any level of asbestos exposure can still be harmful and should be avoided. For further information about these diseases and health conditions, we recommend contacting the NHS or Mesothelioma UK.
If you happen to locate any asbestos in your home or workplace, the best course of action is to inform an asbestos testing/sampling and/or removal expert immediately. Asbestos-related illnesses are one of the biggest killers known to man and should be treated with extreme caution and professionalism.
NOTE – Not all asbestos needs removing. Asbestos can be maintained and managed properly with route checks.
Therefore, removal is not always necessary and will save you money. If you have located Asbestos and are unsure which course of action to take, get in touch with the team and we will advise accordingly.
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